Miofasciālas sāpes un disfunkcija. Novērtēšana un terapija: B līmenis
The Course “Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: Assessment and Therapy: Level B” is a comprehensive and practical course, which focuses on myofascial chains, kinesiological, biomechanical, neurological principles of human motion system, its application in assessment of patient and therapy.

Laiks un vieta
2023. g. 18. nov. 09:00 – 2023. g. 19. nov. 17:00
Jelgava, Jelgava
Par pasākumu
Apskati kursu programmu šeit
Pasniedzējs: Lukaš Kasala (Charles University, 2th medical faculty, department of rehabilitation and Sport
Medicine, pasniedzējs studiju priekšmetā “Special Physiotherapy concepts and methods”; “RehaThink” pasniedzējs Latvijā, Lietuvā, Slovākijā)
TIP: 16 ( LĀPPOS, Nr.TIP2021/285, TIP16)
Cena: 380 EUR (iekļauti izdales materiāli, uzkodas, kafija, tēja)
Valoda: angļu valoda(vajadzības gadījumā tulkojums latviešu valodā).
The Course “Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: Assessment and Therapy: Level B” is a comprehensive and practical course, which focuses on myofascial chains, kinesiological, biomechanical, neurological principles of human motion system, its application in assessment of patient and therapy.